Congratulations to Mary and the Jeans Challenge Participants!

Mary had a near perfect score, missing just assignment over the 8-week challenge. By following the step-by-step daily approach Mary lost more than 21 pounds in 8 weeks.  She received a gift certificate to run out a buy new jeans!

Great job to everyone who participated and built some great habits to get into, stay in those favorite jeans.

The next 8 week Jeans Challenge starts in September. But if you can’t wait we have a 10 week one-on-one program to jump start your weight-loss today!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at


By |2024-11-22T15:50:00-08:00March 31st, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Congratulations to Mary and the Jeans Challenge Participants!

March Newsletter

The March Newsletter is available HERE.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:00-08:00March 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on March Newsletter

Sports Workshop Series

Sports Workshop Series
Research-based Sports and Fitness Education

What makes Taiso different from other training systems?

It’s simple. Taiso puts the athlete – and their nervous system – at the center of their training. When you understand modern neuroscience one thing becomes abundantly clear; lackluster performance is not a strength problem. Or a problem resolved through drills. Or resolved through better physical therapy, or stretching. It is not a mindset problem. Or a discipline problem. Or a motivation problem. All of these things are important, and all of them have their place. It is, fundamentally, a nervous system problem, and any deep, rapid performance improvement must begin there.

Three elements comprise Taiso Training:

• Efficient movement patterns. Movement is the fastest way to communicate with the nervous system. The movement tells your body where it is in space, how fast it is moving, and what movements are safe. By re-training and “waking up” these nerve endings, you can help your body get out of pain and perform at your true genetic potential.
• Sensory integration training. The nervous system needs accurate information from the visual, vestibular (balance and spatial orientation), and proprioceptive (brain’s 3D map of the body in space) systems, and their integration. Taiso optimizes all three systems for performance
• Addressing the whole person with continuous assessment. By applying the 9S Athletic Development Model to every client during every training session, you can be assured that you are getting EXACTLY what you need during that session. Only when joints, muscles, and other tissues are able to move in throughout full ranges of motion, pain-free, will the nervous system release the governor on your performance.  As you can see, at the center of our model is you – the athlete. Each […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:00-08:00February 27th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sports Workshop Series

Quality over Quantity

We teach quality over quantity at Taiso. Easier said than done. Today, I was humbled trying to correct an ankle compensation so in the future I can run better, but for now that means limiting my running. This is especially challenging when I have a race next month and my ego says “run more,” but I know it’s important to fix the problem now then have a long term issue in the future. While this process can be slow and frustrating I am more determined than ever to fix my compensations so I can not only run but continually reach toward my best self. Being uncomfortable is sometimes the bravest thing you can do.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:00-08:00February 16th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Quality over Quantity

Jeans Challenge Registration is Now Open!

Get in a jeans a size or two smaller in eight weeks!

– Unlimited Classes.

– Weekly group topics addressing your biggest challenges.

– The option to upgrade to private one-on-one weekly counseling.

– Member prices $99 basic, $139 enhanced.

– Non-member price $499, includes two month membership.

This twice a year event ALWAYS sells out, and has a greater than 90% success rate!

Click HERE to purchase the challenge with a two month membership.

By |2024-11-22T15:50:01-08:00January 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Jeans Challenge Registration is Now Open!

Jeans Challenge Registration Is Now Open!

What is the Jeans Challenge?

Get in a jeans a size or two smaller in eight weeks!

– Unlimited Classes.

– Weekly group topics addressing your biggest challenges.

– The option to upgrade to private one-on-one weekly counseling.

– Member prices $99 basic, $139 enhanced.

– Non-member price $499, includes two month membership.

This twice a year event ALWAYS sells out, and has a greater than 90% success rate!

Click HERE to purchase the challenge with a two month membership.

By |2024-11-22T15:50:01-08:00January 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Jeans Challenge Registration Is Now Open!

Episode 3 Sleep, Weight Loss, Hormone Balance

*Audio quality is significantly improved with Episode 7!*

Why sleep challenge and how it effects weight loss and hormone balance. When have we not been well rested and how it effects performance. SAID principle for habits and change. Your always learning, either to go towards or away from your goal!

Listen to this episode
Download this episode (right click and save)

Subscribe to us on iTunes

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:14-08:00September 16th, 2013|Blog, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Episode 3 Sleep, Weight Loss, Hormone Balance

Avocado Tuna Salad

2-5oz. Cans Albacore Tuna, packed in water
1 Medium Avocado
1/4 cup Mustard
1/2 half Lime, juiced
Salt and Pepper, to taste

1/2 Cucumber, sliced
1/2 Carrot, sliced

Mash avocado in a bowl, leaving it as chunky or smooth as you like.  Drain tuna and add to avocado. Add mustard and lime juice, mix thoroughly. Top cucumber and/or carrot slices with tuna salad, add salt and pepper to finish.

I love tuna fish! Usually I make it with just plain old yellow mustard, but when I’m feeling fancy I’ll make it this way. I like to leave half the avocado chunky, and mash the other half. The avocado provides a healthy fat that tuna otherwise lacks, as well as a great creamy taste. The lime rounds out the avocado and goes great with the fish. It also helps the avocado from browning, so when you eat the leftovers(if you have any), the salad isn’t all brown and gross looking.
I use plain yellow mustard, but feel free to get fancy with your mustard choice if you want.
Eat as much cucumber as you want, but I’ve found that half of one provides the perfect amount of slices one serving of the tuna salad. I also prefer the cucumber slices over the carrot slices, but it’s really all up to personal taste! Enjoy!

Serves two.

(Per serving)
Calories       201
Fat               13.2
Carbs           8.5
Protein         13.8

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:16-08:00May 2nd, 2013|Blog, Recipe, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Avocado Tuna Salad

Happy Veterans Day

We are open for Veterans Days so come on in!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:35-08:00November 12th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happy Veterans Day

Eating Right With A Busy Lifestyle

The Nutrition Essentials Course teaches the fundamentals of sound nutrition – NOT diets! And how to make those fundamentals work with a busy lifestyle.

The course is taught quarterly and features small group discussion and lots of individual interaction.

Schedule today. For more information click here.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:36-08:00June 8th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Eating Right With A Busy Lifestyle
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