MovNat at Taiso Fitness and Nutrition in Tacoma

MovNat – Erwan Le Corre – The Workout The World Forgot

I recently had an opportunity to train with MovNat founder Erwan Le’Corre. MovNat is a philosophy of movement and conditioning based on Erwan’s understanding of the innate capabilities we all share.  While this may seem pretty straightforward, our modern lives have robbed us of many of these skills and movement patterns.

Erwan has developed criteria to identify these movement patterns and their common principles.  These principles are explored through a series of what he calls “perception drills,” and they certainly work as advertised.  By participating in these perception drills you have criteria you can apply to any movement in order to evaluate its efficiency.

For me, MovNat is a natural progression of my personal fitness trajectory.  I grew up running around barefoot in Central Florida.  So skills of natural walking, running, climbing, crawling, jumping, lifting, carrying, throwing, and catching were present and required no specific training.  Since the mid 1980s I have trained in a subset of martial arts that also reinforced these very same skills, and a career in the Marine Corps developing similar skills.  Yet even with all these opportunities to train, I was never focused on, or instructed in, efficiency of movement in the manner that MovNat does.

For me, efficiency of movement is what MovNat is all about.  By focusing on principles, and scaling techniques, MovNat is well suited to a broad base of participants regardless of current skill or specific level of fitness.

Additionally, at its core MovNat is based on, and provides a way to reconnect with nature.  People are more disconnected from nature now then probably at any other time in our history.  This is a great way to improve both […]