2-5oz. Cans Albacore Tuna, packed in water
1 Medium Avocado
1/4 cup Mustard
1/2 half Lime, juiced
Salt and Pepper, to taste

1/2 Cucumber, sliced
1/2 Carrot, sliced

Mash avocado in a bowl, leaving it as chunky or smooth as you like.  Drain tuna and add to avocado. Add mustard and lime juice, mix thoroughly. Top cucumber and/or carrot slices with tuna salad, add salt and pepper to finish.

I love tuna fish! Usually I make it with just plain old yellow mustard, but when I’m feeling fancy I’ll make it this way. I like to leave half the avocado chunky, and mash the other half. The avocado provides a healthy fat that tuna otherwise lacks, as well as a great creamy taste. The lime rounds out the avocado and goes great with the fish. It also helps the avocado from browning, so when you eat the leftovers(if you have any), the salad isn’t all brown and gross looking.
I use plain yellow mustard, but feel free to get fancy with your mustard choice if you want.
Eat as much cucumber as you want, but I’ve found that half of one provides the perfect amount of slices one serving of the tuna salad. I also prefer the cucumber slices over the carrot slices, but it’s really all up to personal taste! Enjoy!

Serves two.

(Per serving)
Calories       201
Fat               13.2
Carbs           8.5
Protein         13.8

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