So, What Exactly is Z Health | Tacoma Group Fitness & Personal Training

Did you know that no system in the body works in isolation? When you get injured all sorts of things happen in order for you to compensate for that injury. If left un-remediated, those compensations can lead to long-term physical changes and possibly chronic pain.

Taiso Fitness' Jennifer Nerio practicing Z Health

Understanding Z Health

Since 2010, Taiso Fitness has implemented a training protocol called Z Health. Z Health views the body through a neurological lens. Z Health puts you and your nervous system at the center of the training.

Just to simply walk across the room, this requires your eyes, balance, and movement systems all working together to provide information to the brain. As a result, the brain then processes all that information about your body, the environment, and even things like your past experiences and decides what to do next. So you could say, “our brains all work the same … but different.”

Sometimes those past experiences, such as an injury, might lead to changes in the way we move the rest of our lives. Z Health looks for sub-optimal performance and ways to correct it by asking how it relates to the nervous system and how can we improve that.

“Wait, does that mean if I injure body part A, it can effect body part B, and I feel pain in body part C?”

Yep. That is why coaches trained in Z Health pay attention to the whole body, rather than one part at a time.  Z Health has proven to produce staggering advances in performance, and […]

By |2024-11-22T15:47:29-08:00November 7th, 2017|Blog, News|Comments Off on So, What Exactly is Z Health | Tacoma Group Fitness & Personal Training

January Newsletter

The January Newsletter is now available here.

– New Program Changes.

– New Jeans Challenge Option.

– New Column “Ask the PT.”

– New update on the Test Kitchen.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:01-08:00January 6th, 2014|Blog, News|Comments Off on January Newsletter

What does Jade’s Kettlebell Weigh?

26 lbs.  Because that is how much weight she has lost since spring! Congratulations Jade!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:14-08:00September 26th, 2013|Blog, News|Comments Off on What does Jade’s Kettlebell Weigh?

Episode 3 Sleep, Weight Loss, Hormone Balance

*Audio quality is significantly improved with Episode 7!*

Why sleep challenge and how it effects weight loss and hormone balance. When have we not been well rested and how it effects performance. SAID principle for habits and change. Your always learning, either to go towards or away from your goal!

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Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:14-08:00September 16th, 2013|Blog, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Episode 3 Sleep, Weight Loss, Hormone Balance

Why is Dianne Posing with a 24k/52 lb Kettlebell?

Because that is how much weight she has lost since training at Taiso!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at


By |2024-11-22T15:50:14-08:00September 11th, 2013|Blog, News|Comments Off on Why is Dianne Posing with a 24k/52 lb Kettlebell?

Committed To Fit Episode 2 Community and Accountability

Episode Two of the Committed To Fit Podcast is available here. The topic is Community and Accountability.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:15-08:00September 9th, 2013|Blog, News|Comments Off on Committed To Fit Episode 2 Community and Accountability

Ready For The Next Jeans Challenge?

Registration for the August 17th – October 12th Women’s Jeans Challenge and Men’s Fitness Challenge starts today!  As always space is limited and it always sells out so get your now!

What is the challenge?  Eight weeks of unlimited small group classes at Taiso, eight group sessions on subjects such as goals, fitness, nutrition, self-defeating thinking patterns, and how to turn it all into productive habits that lead to change, you also get eight individual coaching sessions to customize everything for you and your specific challenges.

Who takes the challenge? Mostly women from 25 to 66.  Since everything at Taiso is scaled to your goals and abilities it is a great way to get started, or to overcome a performance plateau.

The challenge is only held twice a year, and the next one is in February. Call, email, or come in to reserve your spot today!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:15-08:00July 22nd, 2013|Blog, News|Comments Off on Ready For The Next Jeans Challenge?

Lifestyle Satisfaction and the Food We Eat

Have you ever been on a diet? Often times, when we “diet”, we are able to keep it up for weeks or months, and then something happens. For whatever reason, the dieting stops and the weight comes back, the energy changes, and the mood drops again. The problem is that dieting does not work! If you’ve ever been on a diet, then you know what I’m talking about. Fad diets can be found everywhere and embrace every imaginable approach to weight loss. Diets like the Rice Diet, the Atkins diet, even the Ice Cream Diet!

Keep in mind that getting healthy isn’t only about gaining muscle and losing weight, it’s also about proper nutrition. Cookie cutter approaches to nutrition aren’t the key to vibrant health and longevity. Your health must be approached according to a bio-individualistic perspective. This means addressing your individual needs biologically, emotionally, and spiritually, etc. What works for the next person may not be the best fit for you, and vice-versa.

Fad “diets” lead to temporary weight loss by restricting calories and typically leading to losses in both body fat and lean body mass. The loss of lean body mass also leads to a lowered metabolism making it more likely for you to store additional fat, instead of burning existing fat.

In addition to a well-rounded fitness regimen, it is vital to address the factors associated with your weight gain. In this context, it would be helpful to understand the complexities of primary food nutrition. Primary food refers to categories of our life that have an influence on our wellbeing; categories such as relationships, careers, spirituality, and physical activity, as well as several sub-categories. When something […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00February 17th, 2012|Introduction, News|Comments Off on Lifestyle Satisfaction and the Food We Eat

Taiso Case Study: Knee Pain Relieved by Opposing Wrist and Elbow

This week we had a client come in who was experiencing right knee pain.  We conducted a few movement tests to get a good base, watched her SI function as she walked, then we went to work…..

…on her left wrist.  This had an immediately measurable positive effect on our baseline tests.  We then worked on the left elbow, left shoulder, and right hip.  In the end, her right knee pain was gone after focusing our effort of the left wrist and left elbow.

The Z Health understanding of neurological feedback produces some incredible results immediately through some not so expected relationships in the body.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00February 16th, 2012|Introduction, News|Comments Off on Taiso Case Study: Knee Pain Relieved by Opposing Wrist and Elbow
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