Taiso is a progressive functional fitness studio specializing in weight-management. We offer classes in groups of six or less to develop teamwork and mutual support. Programs are designed for real world clients who need to reach their goals without spending all their time in a gym. We begin with a thorough assessment of the client in order to scale programs to that client’s needs and capabilities, then progress them in a smooth, safe manner. Our sessions are 50 minutes long and organized around three workouts per week and include an eclectic blend of exercises to keep things fun and challenging.
Jennifer Nerio
In 2010, the readers of South Sound Magazine voted Jennifer the Best Personal Trainer in the South Sound. She is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She previously taught at a high-volume national gym chain, which gave her an opportunity to help many clients ranging from 18 to 65, some with previous injuries, and some with degenerative diseases. She has also had great success with healthy clients and others with normal-weight obesity.
She so enjoyed the feelings of success she had with one-on-one training and wanted to bring that to small-group training. Taiso is a way for people to connect and develop relationships and support that go beyond the training session.
Small-group training, and supportive tribes are ways for her to take the great relationships she formed with one-on-one personal training and bring that to the entire Taiso membership. This is her effort to raise the bar on fitness coaching and help our members enjoy a new level of success.
Butch Trail
Butch has practiced Jujutsu since 1985 and trained Marines since 1990. He is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He holds degrees in Social Psychology and Security Management that have greatly influenced his method of teaching practical martial arts. As a Marine he designed training programs around tactical athletic requirements specializing in endurance training. After sustaining a knee injury in 2007, he changed his personal training and coaching regimen to revolve around the most current practices in functional fitness.
Taiso Fitness and Nutrition
If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.
Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at www.taisofitness.com