On May 22 2010 we hosted a screening of the movie Fresh. It gives a quick snapshot of the current state of mass production farming in the United States, but then goes on to show several ways people are making a difference. It is a very inspiring film and we felt it was a call to action.

So we secured the screening rights and worked with the Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility to get use of the Carwein Auditorium for the event.

We held a panel discussion following the event with members of local organic farms and the Tacoma Food Co-op.

The panelist were able to offer practical advice on getting started with local organic produce, how to take the next steps, some of the local challenges, and some of the local victories. Despite poor weather there were over forty people in attendance.

Panelist included representatives from:

Terry’s Berries – a certified organic community supported agriculture (CSA) farm.
Cheryl the Pig Lady – a certified organic CSA farm.
Zestful Gardens – a certified organic CSA farm.
The Meat Shop of Tacoma – a certified organic cattle ranch.
Tacoma Food Cooperative

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