News and Events

Lifestyle Satisfaction and the Food We Eat

Have you ever been on a diet? Often times, when we “diet”, we are able to keep it up for weeks or months, and then something happens. For whatever reason, the dieting stops and the weight comes back, the energy changes, and the mood drops again. The problem is that dieting does not work! If you’ve ever been on a diet, then you know what I’m talking about. Fad diets can be found everywhere and embrace every imaginable approach to weight loss. Diets like the Rice Diet, the Atkins diet, even the Ice Cream Diet!

Keep in mind that getting healthy isn’t only about gaining muscle and losing weight, it’s also about proper nutrition. Cookie cutter approaches to nutrition aren’t the key to vibrant health and longevity. Your health must be approached according to a bio-individualistic perspective. This means addressing your individual needs biologically, emotionally, and spiritually, etc. What works for the next person may not be the best fit for you, and vice-versa.

Fad “diets” lead to temporary weight loss by restricting calories and typically leading to losses in both body fat and lean body mass. The loss of lean body mass also leads to a lowered metabolism making it more likely for you to store additional fat, instead of burning existing fat.

In addition to a well-rounded fitness regimen, it is vital to address the factors associated with your weight gain. In this context, it would be helpful to understand the complexities of primary food nutrition. Primary food refers to categories of our life that have an influence on our wellbeing; categories such as relationships, careers, spirituality, and physical activity, as well as several sub-categories. When something […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00February 17th, 2012|Introduction, News|Comments Off on Lifestyle Satisfaction and the Food We Eat

Taiso Case Study: Knee Pain Relieved by Opposing Wrist and Elbow

This week we had a client come in who was experiencing right knee pain.  We conducted a few movement tests to get a good base, watched her SI function as she walked, then we went to work…..

…on her left wrist.  This had an immediately measurable positive effect on our baseline tests.  We then worked on the left elbow, left shoulder, and right hip.  In the end, her right knee pain was gone after focusing our effort of the left wrist and left elbow.

The Z Health understanding of neurological feedback produces some incredible results immediately through some not so expected relationships in the body.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00February 16th, 2012|Introduction, News|Comments Off on Taiso Case Study: Knee Pain Relieved by Opposing Wrist and Elbow

2012 Taiso Fitness Challenge

This year we have a seven event challenge free for all members.  But be prepared this is something to keep you focused for most of the year.

Stop in an ask how you can get started!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00January 3rd, 2012|News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2012 Taiso Fitness Challenge

Spring Jeans Challenge

The Spring Jeans Challenge is open to member registration January 2nd, 2012, and open to the general public on January 9th, 2012.

Last fall we had great success with 22 ladies completing the challenge.  However, in an effort to make it even better this time we are restricting participation to just 10 people.

The goal of the challenge is to focus on good habits rather than the number on the scale. Points are awarded for how well you stick to your habits and prizes are awards at the end of the challenge including a $150 Nordstrom gift card to get some new jeans.  And to give you more incentive we will focus on how well you fit in your jeans instead of your weight.

  •  Current members will be bumped up to unlimited classes during the challenge. Non-members will receive two months of unlimited classes during the challenge.
  • Group as well as individual habits will be assigned and monitored through one group discussion and one individual counseling session per week.
  • You will receive a Journal specific to the challenge to plan, prep, and record progress.
  • The challenge goes from February 4th – March 31st.
  • Members cost is $99. Non-members cost is $499 (which includes a two month membership).

For more information

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00January 2nd, 2012|Introduction, News|Comments Off on Spring Jeans Challenge

Gift Certificates Now Available

Gifts Certificates are now available for 1 to 3 months, or for the February Jeans Challenge.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at


By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00December 5th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gift Certificates Now Available

Kayla’s Journey

When I began my training with Jennifer in January of 2010 (back in her LA Fitness days), she turned just about everything I thought I knew about fitness on its head. She coaxed me out of the bright lights, away from the fancy (aka highly inoperable) cardio machines, and threw me into what most women would consider the “man-cave” of the gym (which is otherwise known as the free-weight room). In a matter of weeks, I was the queen of that man-cave, lifting as heavy and hard as the guys, although sometimes I felt more like the maid (the concept of returning items to their proper places apparently evaded them). I soon became stronger and more empowered than ever before, as I noticed transformative changes both inside and out.


A few months into my training with Jen, however, my husband returned from his deployment, and (sticking to the military stereotype of course) we soon discovered that we were pregnant. While I was immediately overcome with joy at the thought of a brand new life growing inside me, I also became instantly concerned about how to stay as fit and healthy as possible throughout the coming months (…and beyond! Yes, I was already dreading the weight I was inevitably going to gain, and have to lose afterward!)  Throughout my pregnancy, I continued strength training at TAISO at least three days a week, pushing myself during my workouts, while also recognizing my own personal limits- which meant modifying movements and taking breaks whenever I felt like I needed to. Jen and Butch helped make this possible by providing alternate exercises as they became necessary.


I honestly believe […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00November 3rd, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Kayla’s Journey

Jeans Challenge Finale

Congratulations to all the participants in the Jeans Challenge.  All most all the participants dropped one Jeans size and several dropped two!  It has been a great time of sharing and mutual support, and focusing on our habits instead of the numbers has been a rewarding way to focus on what is important. We look forward to the next Jeans Challenge in February or March of 2012.

Saturday we had a great potluck and awarded prizes to the winners. The recipes were that were shared were great and showed how healthy food can taste good too.


Becky had perfect scores on both attendance and food journalling, and great scores on her individual habits and home work assignments.  She won a $150 gift card to Nordstroms for some new jeans.

Diana and Kristen were just a few points apart and each received a gift card for a one-hour massage from Bruce Corns (who has great hands according to another lady in attendance!).

And Carolyn won a Murad Skin Care line!

Jennifer received flowers from Diana!  We are looking forward to the next time already!

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get […]

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00October 31st, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Jeans Challenge Finale

Pumpkin Protein Muffins

Protein Muffins


Makes 8-10 muffins


6 egg whites

1 cup yam, mashed

1//3 cup of canned pumpkin

2 tsp vanilla

2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp nutmeg

2/3 cup oat flour

2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

1 tsp baking powder

2 tbs of chopped walnuts(optional)



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

measure 2/3 cup of oat meal and place it in a blender(I used my magic bullet) until the oats become flour like set aside. Grab one small yam about palm size(or 8 oz) in the microwave for about 4-6 minutes until soft. Peel the soft yam and place it in the blender to make smooth. Place yam, eggs, canned pumpkin, and vanilla together. In another bowl mix all dry ingredients: oat flour, protein powder, cinnamon and nutmeg (not the walnuts). Mix the dry ingredients into the wet until well combined. Spray muffin pan with pam or other nonstick spray then to ensure no sticking coat with loose flour shake of excess. Using a measuring cup 1/3 fill muffin tin, place bits of chopped walnuts into each one if desired.


2 muffins 1 serving= Calories: 223 Fat:5g Carbs: 26g Fiber: 4g Protein: 19

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain or improve performance? Looking for a gym, personal trainer, or unique boot camp experience? Set up a complimentary consultation, or start a 21 Day Risk Free Trial. Stay up to date on the latest information through our website at

By |2024-11-22T15:50:54-08:00October 19th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Pumpkin Protein Muffins

Protein Packed Pizza

Protein packed pizza


16oz ground turkey

12oz or 4 cups of oatmeal

2 tsp of ground flax meal

4 tsp baking powder


Makes about 7 patties


Preheat oven 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients together throughly ( I get better results when weighing my oatmeal. If too dry add one egg white to help the “dough” comes together ( this will slightly change the calories per crust but not much). When “dough” is well mixed separate mix with about 1/2 cup portions. Place patties on a cookie sheet and fatten them down until 1/2 inch thick about 2 per cookie sheet. Cook in oven about 2-5 min on each side or until turkey is cooked through. If cooking all at once please be mindful of not trying to flatten out the next ground on the hot cookie sheet! Let   Patties cool and freeze them with ziplock or Tupperware.

When ready to eat take them out of the freezer top them with desired toppings and bake in oven at 350 until the cheese(or cottage cheese) melts.


Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to get out of pain […]

By |2024-11-22T15:51:12-08:00October 9th, 2011|News, Recipe|Comments Off on Protein Packed Pizza

Thermometer Jeans Challenge

Starting September 6th Taiso Fitness and Nutrition will begin a Thermometer Jeans Challenge.

But what is a Thermometer Jeans Challenge? Glad you asked! It is an opportunity to stop measuring your success by a number on the scale! Here’s how it works:

Brings in a pair of jeans you would like to fit into.
We’ll take a picture of you trying to get ‘em on over a pair of spandex shorts or pants.
We will keep your jeans at the gym and you can try ‘em on throughout the challenge.
You will have 8 weeks to get into your jeans…and
At the end of the challenge you’re a winner if you can say:
Getting into your jeans is really just a bonus. The real focus of the program is for you to develop healthy habits. And to help you do that we measure your success by how well you adhere to your specific lifestyle habits.
We help each participant select habits that will have the greatest impact on your success. Then each week we award points based on how well you met your personal habit goals.
The contest concludes with a healthy potluck and tiered prize drawings. The more points you have the better prizes you are eligible for including a $150 dollar gift card to Nordstroms for a new pair of (skinny) jeans.


Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Ready to […]

By |2024-11-22T15:51:12-08:00August 30th, 2011|Introduction, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Thermometer Jeans Challenge
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