Low metabolism? Gain weight easily, cold hands and feet, energy crashes, hair loss (especially outer eyebrows). These are the problems our clients were seeing with traditional weight loss.
After years of working one-on-one with clients, months typing away in front of a computer, building modules and doing voice-overs, the RESOLUTE program has launched.
The idea for an online program started in the fall of 2014. Each time we have held or twice a year in studio program, we limited the amount of participants. After the fall class we decided that an online program would give us more options to share information while allowing us to continue the course longer then the eight week studio course.
Here are the problems we were seeing with traditional dieting:
•Dieting only leads to short term success.
•The weight always comes back, and then some.
•When people are dieting their energy is low.
•They are tired all the time.
•They are less creative and productive.
•Sex drive is non-existent.
•and lets be honest, they are kind of a bear to be around.
We ended up with an eight module course, with several lesson per module in a short video format with worksheets, exercises, experiments, and habits. Some of the foundational topics are:
•Stress and the Brain
•Stress and the Body
•Respiration and Carbon Dioxide
•Repair and Restoration
•Movement and Exercise
•Diet and Nutrition
•Stages of Change
•Step By Step Habits for Stress, Hormones, and Weight
The course is concerned with raising and repairing your metabolism by focusing on and controlling stress. When most people hear stress they only think about mental stress, but there are also a variety of physical stressors that effect the body. It is designed to walk you through from “thinking about thinking about it” all the way to maintenance.
To give you an idea of the topics and presentation of the course, we developed a free 3-Part Video Series that will give you really useful information even if you don’t purchase the course.
Video one is a very personal introduction and a method of assessing the health of your metabolism.
Video two goes introduces how dieting and hormones effect your metabolism.
Video three shows how dieting and hormones effect the brain.
We really tried to make this course the “operators manual for the body” I wish I had my whole life.
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Looking for an online course to help lose weight by repairing your metabolism and lowering your stress? Try RESOLUTE The Step-By-Step Program for People Who Don’t Respond Well to Dieting.