Burns, Scars and Tattoos

Fascia is like a big rubber-band beneath our skin that literally holds us together, and if restricted can result in seemingly unrelated pain.

Fascia is a three-dimensional web throughout the body. In order to function optimally it needs to be free in all planes of movement, but when its has restrictions due to trauma or long-term dysfunctional movement it can cause additional compensation.

When burns, scars and tattoos are deep enough to result in adhesions between the surface skin and the fascia we can experience seemingly un-related pain in other parts of the body.

Here are a couple recent examples we have seen. A tattoo on the back contributing to migraine headaches. A tattoo on the ribs that contributed to knee mobility restrictions. A scar on the shin that contributed to knee pain and immobility.

The good news is fascia can be remodeled over time. So, if you have a burn, scar or tattoo anywhere on the body and experience chronic pain anywhere in the body, it is worth investigating to see if there is a relationship.

Burns, scars and tattoos only take a few minutes to test, generally only a few weeks to fix, but may lead to a lifetime of improved pain-free movement.

It is worth pointing out that having a tattoo does not always lead to fascial restrictions.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a shared personal training experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to get out of pain or improve performance, who need immediate, measurable results, and want to make educated decisions to take control of their health.

Shared personal training provides the coaching of a personal trainer with the social support of a bootcamp […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:25-08:00August 5th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Burns, Scars and Tattoos

Vision Training Helping Shoulder Pain?

In this video Dr. Cobb presents a situation in which a woman who had had restricted shoulder range-of-motion and shoulder pain for 50 years had a significant improvement in one session.

I have had a similar experience with a client who came in to try a jujutsu class. After a few minutes of warming up it was clear the client had a major shoulder problem. I tested his range-of-motion and he was not able to raise his elbow higher than his shoulder.

I literally worked with him for less than 3 minutes just to make sure he was safe to conduct jujutsu training and his shoulder range-of-motion was fully restored. He had lived with that problem and shoulder pain for 14 years.

In this case, I did not even do any work with his shoulder. I started off taking his wrist through a series of movements and his should greatly improved. Then I took his elbow through some exercise and we never needed to do anything with the shoulder itself.

As Doc pointed out in the video, the lady who had a 50 year shoulder problem needed some exercise for her eyes. If you do not have a clear understanding of brain mapping this may seem strange. But at least 75 percent of the people we work benefit from vision training regardless of what else may be a problem area for them.

This is not always the case, sometimes it is something we have to work at over time. But very often we see cases like this where a single session will fix a long-term problem.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a shared personal training experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:25-08:00July 6th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Vision Training Helping Shoulder Pain?

Routine Training Miracles are No Less Extraordinary

In this video Dr. Cobb shares a story about a dancer who was unable to do the splits. Her doctor said for $50,000 they could break her hip, instead a Z Health Trainer was able to help her achieve the splits with a movement drill.

We see incredible changes in performance all the time. And if its the third or forth minor miracle of the day for us, we may not be amazed. But for the client who was unable to lift his arm past his shoulder for 14 years, the person who had chronic shoulder pain, or the runner who wanted to be faster but also got rid of back pain these are sometimes life-changing events.

And to be honest, sometimes there are things we help people with that we find absolutely amazing but the client says something like, “oh, that pain I had for 10 years is gone, that’s cool.”

This does not mean that you necessarily get the miracle you were expecting right away. Sometimes a person will say their knee has a problem and we will solve it right away. Sometimes a person will say their knee has a problem and we will fix a vision issue, a hip issue, and a balance issue which lead to fixing the knee after a few sessions.

But these results are equally amazing and you should embrace them.

The world’s understanding of neurology is improving everyday. The brain absolutely controls everything about the body, and by taking a neurological approach to training the extraordinary is not only possible, but routine.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a shared personal training experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:25-08:00June 22nd, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Routine Training Miracles are No Less Extraordinary

Shared Personal Training

Shared personal training is a guided workout experience to motivate our clients with short-term and long-term goals, and measurable results. We take ambiguous goals like weight-loss, being fit, or getting healthier and turn them into concrete, measurable objectives so you see and feel progress in each class.

What makes shared personal training different then conventional personal training is that once your program is established you do the majority of your workouts in a group setting in which each participant has their own personal program. These are small controlled groups and have the constant supervision and feedback from a coach.  Once you hit certain performance markers your program is changed to continue to get you to your next goal.

Is it right for me? Well let me give an example. Vin decides she wants to lose a few pounds and “get fit,” but she is concerned because she has a history of knee pain. Vin schedules a consultation with us and we discuss her goals.

We discuss what being fit means to her and decide that a couple solid, measurable goals are to be able to do handstands, and do a full range-of-motion squat without any pain. We use biofeedback from her nervous system to test the movements that will go in her program. We want everything we do to contribute to her success and not become a hinderance down the road.

Then next time she comes in a coach will get her started on her program then move around the room assisting the other people in her group to insure everyone is properly challenged and successful. As Vin becomes proficient at her program and is seeing results, parts of program will change to keep up her progress.

She gets way […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:25-08:00June 2nd, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Shared Personal Training

Tactical Strength Challenge Spring 2015

This past weekend we tried out the Tactical Strength Challenge. It consists of deadlift, pullup, and kettlebell snatch. It was a fun, well run, and friendly event. We really enjoyed it and will definitely attend the next one on October 3, 2015.

It is held internationally on the same day, and the closest location for us was Kettibility in Seattle. The staff and participants were were all great. Everyone was very supportive of each other. When people asked about your results, the next question was most likely, ”was that your personal best?”

Tactical Strength Challenge


We arrived a half-hour before the event, signed our releases, got our t-shirts and started warming up. As soon as I picked up the first kettlebell to do some swings, I felt a strain in my right adductor. I strained this same muscle about four months ago testing a narrow deadlift stance.

Jennifer put me in a quarter squat to activate the muscle, covered my dominant eye, and did drills with my non-dominant eye to lower my overall stress. At this point I was able to squat with full range of motion but was still aware of the strain.

The first event was the deadlift.

Jennifer’s personal record was 210. So we planned her lifts to be 190, 200, 210. But we had been training to drop the bar after the lift, but the rules required we lower the bar with control. Not knowing if that would have any effect on her lifts, Jennifer decided to go for 200 on her first lift. She successfully pulled 200, then 210, then set a new PR with a 220. All lifts were nice and smooth and she probably could […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:25-08:00April 13th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Tactical Strength Challenge Spring 2015

RESOLUTE Course Launch

Low metabolism? Gain weight easily, cold hands and feet, energy crashes, hair loss (especially outer eyebrows). These are the problems our clients were seeing with traditional weight loss.

After years of working one-on-one with clients, months typing away in front of a computer, building modules and doing voice-overs, the RESOLUTE program has launched.

The idea for an online program started in the fall of 2014. Each time we have held or twice a year in studio program, we limited the amount of participants. After the fall class we decided that an online program would give us more options to share information while allowing us to continue the course longer then the eight week studio course.

Here are the problems we were seeing with traditional dieting:

•Dieting only leads to short term success.

•The weight always comes back, and then some.

•When people are dieting their energy is low.

•They are tired all the time.

•They are less creative and productive.

•Sex drive is non-existent.

•and lets be honest, they are kind of a bear to be around.

We ended up with an eight module course, with several lesson per module in a short video format with worksheets, exercises, experiments, and habits. Some of the foundational topics are:

•Stress and the Brain

•Stress and the Body

•Respiration and Carbon Dioxide

•Repair and Restoration

•Movement and Exercise

•Diet and Nutrition

•Stages of Change

•Step By Step Habits for Stress, Hormones, and Weight

The course is concerned with raising and repairing your metabolism by focusing on and controlling stress. When most people hear stress they only think about mental stress, but there are also a variety of physical stressors that effect the body. It is designed to walk you through from “thinking about thinking about it” all the way to maintenance.

To give you an idea of the topics […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:26-08:00April 8th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on RESOLUTE Course Launch

Essentials of Elite Performance

Essentials of Elite Performance

This past weekend we attended the Z Health Essentials of Elite Performance for the third time since 2010. This time we were joined by five people from our gym so it was interesting to get their feedback about the course.

The Essentials of Elite Performance is a three day sampler of the Z health approach to brain-based training. While other courses dive into these subjects in depth, the EEP dedicates one day each to movement re-education, sensory integration, and fundamental sports skills.

What makes this course, and Z Health in general, different is that everything is assessed before and after so you learn exactly what your body needs by understanding the response from your nervous system. For our clients, they understand this is fundamental to everything we do at Taiso.

It was interesting to see how our clients enjoyed the EEP and what they each learned. While they have heard the concepts from us many times, sometimes it just takes another person explaining something for it to become clear. This is what happened with one member who really came away with a good understanding of how and why precision matters. Another member had a huge breakthrough in both mobility and vision. Another had a great improvement with neck mobility.

But the best thing for us, is seeing how the attendees have taken the knowledge they gained from the EEP and incorporated it into their workouts. Usually we are the ones pushing for change and experimentation, but this week it has very rewarding to see them problem solving and integrating new skills into their routines.

While two of the people are trainers who plan to continue through the Z Health training program, three were end users who were […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:26-08:00March 12th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Essentials of Elite Performance

Thinking About Thinking About It

Martha Beck recounts an interesting story about her daughter choosing a college*. When they first spoke about the matter the daughter dismissed the discussion saying the only thing she wanted from a college was a location without bugs.

Martha recognized that her daughter was still in precontemplation on the subject. Precontemplation is the first stage of change when we are asking ourselves if the change is even possible.

In fact we may have even given up on achieving a certain goal because of the risk of failure. When people have abandoned hope they they say things like, “I’ve tried everything, and nothing works.”

A few months later when Martha breached the subject of college again, her daughter had still not given it any thought. Rather then pushing her daughter on the issue, she said “well, you don’t have to make any decisions today.” To which her daughter said “she would think about thinking about it.”

And this was key, because now the daughter is at least considering the change.

During precontemplation we are guarded. Had Martha strong-armed her daughter that day, the pressure would have pushed her daughter away from even considering change.

The increase in stress would have caused her to go into fight or flight, and the emotional portion of the brain would have taken charge to defend her from the stress.

When we are stuck in pre-contemplation we become defensive about the problem. We are not willing to discuss the problem. Instead of seeing the actions of others as concern or caring, we see it as them trying to control us.

When we are stuck in precontemplation we avoid learning about our problems. We may change the channel on TV, or change the subject in conversation. We are unwilling to […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:26-08:00February 25th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Thinking About Thinking About It

Grass Stains Before ‘The Big Game’

Grass Stains before the big game! Our homage to the Seattle Seahawks this 2015 football season. At Taiso we believe movement yields play, fun and exploration. Although most of our classes are more focused on movement re-education, and movement quality. Our main goal of the Taiso Fitness program is helping people tap into their bodies capacity to improve, change, and become more resilient.

“Perfectionism is a twenty ton shield we carry around”, that’s what Brené Brown calls it. We believe it inhibits us to take chances, and shrinks our growth exponentially. We believe there is great power and great potential when one comes humbly to the acknowledgement of being imperfect.Not just “yeah, yeah, I’m no good” instead we cultivate the potential for “I want to do better” “I believe I can improve” this change in thought gives the person the challenge to reach their potential and the spirit of what we build our program on.

In our growth of the past few years we also recognize that change is not easy. Unless something dramatic changes our lives we tend to stick to what’s so far kept us going. The demands of our clients continues us down a path of what initiates change and how do people change successfully? Probably one of the most overlooked yet important factor in seeing big changes in your body is seeing bigger changes in your habits.

Flexibility, strength and power are not just physical characteristics they overflow into how we deal with situations emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Focusing on a strong motivator is ultimately the best way to create resiliency, your reason why. Why is change important? How can it be worth your time and how hard will you fight for the change?This […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:26-08:00February 1st, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Grass Stains Before ‘The Big Game’

Three Best Butt Exercises

Have a Functional and Great Looking Butt

With so many good butt exercises, it was hard to pick just three. But here in this short video this week we wanted to present some exercises that are not just great for the booty, but get you out of the same old plane of motion.

I know, I know most people are looking for butt exercises cause it’s the first of the year and you want to look great in your jeans come spring. But, there’s no reason to ignore function just for ascetics when you can have both.

This really is one time when you can have your cake and eat it too.

Lets get started with indicators that your booty might not be pulling its own weight. We highlight some of the common issues we see when the gluten are not firing properly.

Indicators of bad form are:

  • too much knee movement, and not enough hip which causes bone rhythm to be off
  • arch collapse or knee tracking to the inside of the toe line
  • too much arch placing stress on the low back
  • too much hip and not enough knee, also causing bone rhythm to be off
  • raising up on the toes showing weight is too far back

Indicators of good form are:

  • knees tracking over the big toe
  • knee and hip moving in unison and creating good bone rhythm

Lateral Squat

  • keep feet parallel
  • push off the trail leg
  • keep a good long spine

45° Lunge

  • long spine
  • step diagonally
  • moving the knees and hips in unison

One Leg Hip Hinge

  • long spine
  • base leg slightly bent
  • hinge at the hips and squeeze the base leg on the way up

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

If you are looking for a unique gym experience try Taiso Fitness and Nutrition. We are Tacoma’s fitness and nutrition gym for people who want to […]

By |2024-11-22T15:48:26-08:00January 25th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Three Best Butt Exercises
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