This week we are kicking-off a 30 day breathing challenge.  We want to help people who have chronic stress and anxiety, which to some degree is all of us living in a fast paced modern world. In the late 1800s medical references stated that normal breathing was about  six breaths per minute. Today it is 10 to 12.

Better respiration can improve tight muscles, achy joints, poor sleep quality, or lack of sleep.

To get ready for the challenge record your pulse and your controlled pause.

To measure your pulse we used Instant Heart Rate app on our iPhone.

Your controlled pause is how long you can go without having to take a breath.

To record your controlled pause take a couple of normal breaths, then exhale and pinch your nose. Record how long you can wait before having to take another breath.

Re-test your pulse rate and your controlled pause at the end of each of the four weeks.

Each day perform the three exercises in the video; the fascial opener, the diaphragm stretch and the breathing exercise.

Over the next few weeks we will post additional videos for the challenge in order to inform, encourage, and to answer your questions. So if you have questions about the challenge or breathing in general, send us an email.

Taiso Fitness and Nutrition

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Looking for an online course to help lose weight by repairing your metabolism and lowering your stress? Try RESOLUTE The Step-By-Step Program for People Who Want To Repair Their Metabolism.