Taiso Fall Newsletter Three Ways to Improve Performance

The Taiso Fall Newsletter is available HERE. The September – October Jeans Challenge. Three Ways to Improve Performance. Meet a Member: Anders Ibsen Asian Meatball with Sesame Slaw Recipe.

Fall Jeans Challenge Update

This summer has been a busy for Jennifer flying back and forth between here and the Z Health Headquarters in Arizona.

As her training, knowledge and experience have continued to improve she had the opportunity to discover some great new methods and insights for the Jeans Challenge.

In the past we have brought some great tools to our training giving you all the opportunity to test and retest how your nervous system is responding to movement.

Now, we will also be introducing you to a similar method of feedback for your endocrine system.

What do you get? A two-month unlimited classes membership. Weekly one-hour presentations dealing with nutrition, lifestyle challenges, how to make change stick, unsupportive people, etc… And weekly one-on-one sessions to address your individual challenges.

The Challenge runs from September 6th – November 1st, 2014.

Cost is $139 for members, or $539 for non- members (includes two-month membership).

Call 253.223.6365 or email

info@taisofitness.com to reserve your spot today. __________________________________________

Three Ways to Improve Performance

Every now and then you might feel like you are doing everything right, but your progress starts to slow? Well, here are are three great ways to ensure all your hard works helps you get the progress you are looking for.

Long Spine

Those experienced lifters out there I’m sure have heard this one before. For those of you new to lifting, or working out in general, long spine is one of the most potent tools in your tool box.

Your anatomy is designed to deliver the maximal amount of force […]